Monday 8 June 2015

Input / Output Programming

Selecting the type of port pins

Before you start playing with the port pins, you should declare their type. Each one can be Input or Output. for selecting a pin as output you should clear it's respective TRIS bit for example if you want that pin3(RB2) of PortB act as output so you should clear TRISB.2 using

Command in Basic Language:


Command in C Language:

TRISB2_bit = 0;                            or                   TRISB &=  ~(1 << RB2)

Similarly for selecting a pin as input you should Set it's respective TRIS bit for example if you want that pin4(RB3) of PortB act as output so you should SET TRISB.3 using

Command in Basic Language:


Command in C Language:

TRISB3_bit = 1;                            or                   TRISB |=  (1 << RB3)

Software Downloads


1) Get Data From Port C And Display on PortB


2) Night Rider Pattern


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